The journeys that helped to form Periphery were initially facilitated by my participation in the 2002-03 Canada/Mexico Writing/Photography Exchange. Created with Canadian writer José Teodoro, the accordion book Cathedral is a sort of linear map, a non-chronological chronicle of days between the beginning of the Exchange to its end more than a year later, by which point I had relocated to Canada. The figures that precede each line of text represents one of these days, numbered according to the order in which they occurred. Crucial to Cathedral is the evocation of the continual movement that characterized the year in question. Thus the unbroken line of images and texts, the verbs that propel each impression ever forward, and the blur that sometimes contrasts a sense of contemplation with one of never stopping long enough to stay truly still. Informed by travel in various forms, collaboration, natural disaster, abrupt changes in lifestyle and desires, the book nurtures a peculiar tension between romanticism and mediation.